Protect Your Computer
"...detail oriented, creative solutions, in-depth knowledge and very responsive to our needs..."
— Chris Williams, Acting Executive Director
Alcohol & Drug Council of Tompkins County, Inc.
Our Web Portfolio (2)
For those small businesses that can't affore thousands of dollars for a high-end multifunctional website, we offer the basic web presence to let their perspective customers know about their business. Below are a few examples:
Genson Overhead Door, Inc.
Genson Overhead Door, Inc. provides sales, service and installation for all types of residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial-type garage doors and related products. Serving the Fingerlakes Region of New York State which includes Auburn, Binghamton, Cortland, Homer, Ithaca, Syracuse and surrounding communities
Village of Cayuga Heights, New York
Located in the heart of the Finger Lakes, New York State, the Village of Cayuga Heights is a small municipality in the middle of Tompkins County, near Cornell University.
Flowers 4 Julia
In Memory of Julia Marie VanDeMark, we present Flowers 4 Julia. An annual flower/plant sale with proceeds to benefit The Golisano Children's Hospital at Strong Memorial Hospital (URMC).